Saturday 11 June 2011

Sometimes Indy gets the upper hand.....
A box-full of young Pied Flycatchers ready to fledge (below) and a Tawny Owl chick not quite so ready!

The hay meadows are looking wonderfully full of wildflowers. In these two photos there are: greater knapweed, buttercups, red clover, white clover, eyebright, forget-me-not, yellow rattle, mouse-eared chickweeed, self-heal, sorrel, hawkbit, dandelion and others, as well as lots of different grasses.

Even the goat paddock has been trimmed - ready for the Biggerside football team, or should it be cricket?

Chris's Patch

Three plants of this unidentified woodland orchid have been found in the woods. It is probably one of the helleborines and hopefully the flowers will provide identification. In the meantime, they are all protected from the deer.

Thackthwaite Wood has now been returned to being part of Biggerside and has already given Grandma many hours of pleasure, especially during a solo overnight sleepout! The bluebells were beautiful in May and now that the overgrown hedge has been coppiced, the extra light should help even more flowers grow.

And the white ones are all set for another summer of non-stop flowering.

The native yellow water lillies have finally reached the surface and flowered.

Spring 2011 at Biggerside

The island on Thackthwaite Pond, Biggerside. Foxgloves in the foreground, Guelder Rose bush and ox-eye daisies behind. A moorhen nest is in the middle of the water, to the left of the island but unfortunately, it was raided by a mink.